
Take Care Of Your Health During Quarantine Days

Working from home may look like an excellent time to relax and take it easy. You can wake up later, you do not have to commute to work, and you can avert to communicating to anyone you don't need to. But while all that may sound good, it can really end up being too much of a good thing. Going outdoors is actually rather needed for vitamin D and fresh air. Talking with people is good for our mental health. And not commuting might well mean only moving 1,000 steps a day. This can all cause severe damage to your health. So what can you do? Here are some suggestions that will make a huge difference.

Protect Your Sleep

If you don't get adequate amount of sleep, you will not be able to exercise optimally. It really is that much easy. So ensure that you protect this and try looking up the phrase "sleep hygiene" on Google for some more ideas. While sleeping you are getting relaxed and your mind gets refreshed. After having an adequate amount of sleep your mind will start working with full of energy. An adult should have an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Separate Work and Downtime

One of the biggest hazards while working from home is that you need not to give yourself any real "time off”. You can end up always "half working" and never fully relaxing. To ensure this doesn't happen, make a strict rule that you will usually complete work at the same time every day - and then stick to it. At the same time, turn off notifications from work associated apps in the evening, or use a separate work phone. Your potential to work is based on energy and motivation. These are finite resources, which mean they need to be refreshed.


We have already touched on the significance of walking, but any kind of exercise is essential to avert letting your stay-at-home lifestyle get the better of you. Try to engage yourself in yoga, some functional fitness movements at home itself and do meditation. This will not only assist prevent health issues, but will also enhance your energy and focus thanks to the positive effect that exercise has on the brain. Doing simple exercise from home make you fit. Instead of jogging outside do easy exercises in your home itself.

 Follow a healthy diet

While staying in home look after your health and have a healthy diet. Consuming good amount of calories which is essential to your body is more crucial. Taking all sorts of nutritious foods in your diet will make you healthy. Boost your immunity with Vitamin C and other  nutrients in the source of nuts and minerals.

Author Name: Leon Edward

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