
Regular Walnut Consumption Linked To Healthy Aging In Women Reported By A Study

A new epidemiological study discovered that female in their late 50s and early 60s who consumed at least two servings of walnuts per week had a increased probability of healthy growing older compared to those who did not consume walnuts. After accounting for several elements that may have an impact on health in older adults, such as education and physical activity, walnuts have been the only nut related with substantially better odds of healthy aging.

The study, supported by the California Walnut Commision, discovered that whole nut consumption (particularly walnuts) was associated to a better probability of healthy aging, described healthy aging as durability with sound mental health and no fundamental persistent diseases, cognitive problems or physical impairments following the age of 65.

Dr. Francine Grodstein, previously of Brigham and Women's Hospital, discovered that consuming walnuts can also minimize risks of physical impairments and cognitive decline in older adults; and minimize cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes. There is no one solution to slowing down the effects of getting old however adopting the proper habits, like snacking on a handful of walnuts, can help.

Grodstein looked at data from 33,931 women in the Nurses Health Study (NHS) to consider the affiliation between nut consumption and general health and well-being in aging. Between 1998-2002, woman NHS nurses have been requested about their diet, along with whole nut consumption and then evaluated for chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart attack, coronary heart failure, stroke, type two diabetes and Parkinsons disease. They have been additionally assessed for memory concerns, mental health and physical limitations, which include every day activities. Of the learn about participants, 16% have been discovered to be healthy agers, described as having no essential chronic diseases, mentioned memory impairment or physical disabilities and intact mental health.

Although preceding research has linked a healthy diet, along with walnuts, to better physical function amongst older men and women, this study only covered women. More research is needed to recognize if these outcomes hold authentic amongst men. Participants have been not assigned to consume walnuts; they have been certainly asked about their dietary choices. They may have misreported their dietary intake, since information was accumulated with the aid of questionnaires. As such, this does not show cause and effect. It simply suggests that ingesting walnuts may be one of the simple habits that can have an effect on health in later years of life.

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