
Keep Going: 9 Health Tips to Maintain Your Energy Throughout the Day

Exhaustion seems like a regular part of most adults’ lives, especially those who juggle multiple responsibilities like parenthood, employment, and business.

But while it’s ideal to reduce the things that leave you tired, it is neither practical nor realistic in most cases. So, instead of reducing the energy you use daily, why not boost your supply?

Check out these nine helpful tips to keep your energy up throughout the day:

1.    Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Do you sleep late to get more work done? Or perhaps you wake up after sleeping for five hours or less to get an early start on your tasks for the day?
Both situations result in one thing: lack of sleep.

While it seems like you’re getting more done when you reduce your sleeping hours, the effect is quite the opposite. This is because sleeping less will drain your energy levels and may leave you feeling tired, grumpy, and lethargic the next day.

The ideal sleep amount differs for each individual, but experts generally recommend at least seven hours per night for better health and sufficient energy.
Having a hard time falling asleep? Follow a strict bedtime schedule and limit your use of electronic devices within an hour before you hit the sack. You can also listen to calming sounds, take a warm bath, read a book, or do other activities that help you wind down.

2.    Take Power Naps

Nodding off during the day even if you’re well rested? It may be time for you to try a simple yet effective productivity tip: taking power naps.
Studies show that overworking your brain can zap your energy. To remedy this, researchers from the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) recommend taking a “power nap” for 60 minutes. This can reverse the effects of information overload and help you retain what you learned.

3.    Never Skip a Meal

As obvious as it may seem, many people still need to be reminded of the importance of eating three balanced meals daily.
You’re mistaken if you think skipping meals will let you finish more tasks in the office.
Even postponing mealtime leaves you with low energy, causing you to feel sluggish and unable to deliver your best output at work.

This isn’t just some random advice. Science supports it as well.
Studies reveal that people who don’t skip breakfast experience better mood and energy levels throughout the day. Research from Nutritional Health journal even discovered evidence linking missed meals to a greater overall feeling of fatigue at the day’s end.

4.    Be More Active

Physical activity has countless benefits for the mind and body.
Aside from reducing the risk of chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, studies have shown that incorporating it can also increase your energy levels and combat fatigue.
If you’re having a hard time staying on top of your workouts, you can just opt for the simplest form of exercise: walking.

It’s easy to do and doesn’t need any equipment or special training. Plus, you can do it anytime and anywhere – even in that small empty space in your home office. Just keep in mind that walking outdoors is still the best way to exercise since you also get exposed to sunlight and fresh air in the process.

5.    Keep Stress at Bay

People sometimes feel fatigued after having a short but heated argument or when they spend the day in bed nursing a broken heart. This is caused by anxiety-induced stress.
According to psychologists, stress is one of the common reasons people feel physically and mentally tired. Even at a low level, chronic stress can erode your energy levels over time.

Unfortunately, most people are unable to get rid of stress completely. If this is the case for you, experts recommend looking for ways to regulate so you can stay energetic throughout the day.
Besides managing your exposure to the source of stress, you can also follow these helpful relaxation tips:

  • ●    Try meditation and mindfulness techniques.
    ●    Talk to a loved one and accept their support.
    ●    Consult a mental health care provider.

6.    Boost Your Protein and Whole Grain Intake

Protein-rich foods and whole grains take longer to break down compared to sugary items. This is the very reason why you are able to maintain your energy levels longer when you increase your intake of these foods like:

  • ●    Rice and other whole grains
    ●    Eggs
    ●    Yogurt
    ●    Nuts

7.    Get More Magnesium

If you still feel drained even after getting sufficient sleep and eating a balanced diet, you may be experiencing a slight magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a vital nutrient that supports over 300 biochemical processes in the human body. This includes producing energy from glucose.

If your magnesium supply is low, your energy will follow. To prevent this, consume more magnesium-rich foods to reach the recommended daily intake of 350 milligrams for men and 300 milligrams for women.
Not sure if you’re getting enough? Try to include the following foods in your everyday meals to get more magnesium:

  • ●    Hazelnuts, cashews, or almonds
    ●    Bran cereal and other whole grains
    ●    Fish (e.g., halibut)

8.    Take Energy-Boosting Supplements

Supplements serve as additional sources of vitamins and minerals. This means you can get a much-needed boost in energy by taking supplements containing the necessary nutrients for your body.
Take vitamin B12, for example.

According to experts, the human body’s energy factories cannot work well without this B-vitamin. This shouldn’t be a problem if you consume meat and other animal products.
But it’s a whole different story if you’re a vegan. Since your diet is limited to plant-based foods, you may need to take vitamin gummies for energy, as vitamin B12 only occurs naturally in animal-sourced foods.

9.    Drink More Water

Did you know that people tend to confuse thirst with hunger? Often, the signals get mixed up, making you think that you’re famished when what you actually need is a drink.
Furthermore, thirst also tends to masquerade itself as fatigue. Sometimes, even minor dehydration can leave you feeling lethargic and exhausted.

Fortunately, the solution is simple: drinking a tall glass of clean water. This can boost your energy instantly, especially after a workout.

Get Enough Energy to Keep Going

Getting enough energy to keep you going, no matter how busy the week may be, is not that complicated. You only need to listen to your body and follow these healthy practices to maintain your energy level throughout the day.


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