
Kids World Nursery Toddlers celebrate the first Iftar with the blue-collar women of Dubai

In the spirit of Ramadan, the toddlers of Kids World Nursery celebrated the very first day of Iftar with the blue-collar females of EFS Facilities. Ages four and below, the kids made 100 sandwiches, distributed goody bags and shared this blessed evening with over 50 females.

Acknowledging the significance of promoting compassion in children, in addition to being motivated by the bravery of the many migrant women that leave their own families to make a living, Kids World Nursery held this iftar in their honor.

From buttering the bread of the sandwiches and filling goody bags with dates to signing songs to the ladies, the young ones brought positivity and a refreshing sensation of happiness to all present.

"As a Montessori nursery, it is our duty to not just teach children, however to motivate them to learn through their own experiences. While we can inform children to be compassionate and caring to others, we think they require to experience it to really understand. We knew the occasion was a success when we saw how real the kids remained in their excitement and how grateful the ladies were for their presence," said Lovita Tariq, Director of Kids World Nurseries.

Among the primary pillars of the curriculum at Kids World Nursery is based upon compassion. As increasingly neuroscientists, psychologists and teachers alike are showing observations on how bullying and other kinds of violence can really be minimized by encouraging empathy in children in their early years. In fact over the past 10 years, research has actually likewise revealed that empathy is among the primary keys to all positive social interactions.
"We anticipate hosting comparable events and activities, engaging our children with the communities and people around them" added Lovita Tariq.

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