
ADFGs Integrated Capital co-leads oversubscribed $500 million Etihad Airways Note

Integrated Capital PJSC (" Integrated Capital"), the capital markets arm of Abu Dhabi Financial Group (" ADFG"), today celebrated its strong contribution as a co-lead on the successful completion of the oversubscribed issue of US$ 500,000,000 of Notes by EA Partners II B.V., the funding vehicle for Etihad Airways Partners (" Etihad"). The Notes, listed on the Global Exchange Market managed by the Irish Stock Exchange, carry a coupon of 6.75% payable quarterly and will mature in 2021.

The profits will be utilized mostly for capital expenditure and financial investment in fleet, as well as for refinancing, depending upon each specific airline's requirements across Etihad Airways Partners, making up Alitalia, airberlin, Air Serbia, Air Seychelles, Etihad Airport Services and Etihad Airways itself.

Jassim Alseddiqi, Chairman of Integrated Capital and CEO of Abu Dhabi Financial Group, stated: "Integrated Capital's contribution as co-lead on Etihad Airways' successful Note concern even more demonstrates our unparalleled investor network and our capability to make a strong effect on high-profile transactions. In spite of continuing volatility in the markets, the financial investment case to participate in the problem of the Notes was exceptionally favored by financiers causing extensive demand and an oversubscribed offering. The cravings for this deal is a clear endorsement of the Etihad Airways' technique, stability and success. We praise Etihad Airways for the success of the issue and anticipate partnering with them again in future."

James Hogan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Etihad Aviation Group, stated: "The demand for this deal is statement to the strength of the offer and the manner in which it was articulated to the investor community. The funds raised, will allow Etihad Airways Partners to carry out the next stage in its growth strategy."

Etihad Airways and its partner airline companies currently run 718 aircraft, bring 115 million passengers to practically 350 locations worldwide.

In September 2015, Integrated Capital also participated in the $700 million Note problem by EA Partners I B.V. The issue of the Note got worldwide honor and won multiple awards from prominent company media outlets across the world.

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